Parasubiculum (PaS) / Postrhinal cortex

Structures associated with this boundary:
Parasubiculum (PaS)
Postrhinal cortex

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Parasubiculum (PaS) / Postrhinal cortex

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The border between the postrhinal cortex (POR) and the parasubiculum (PaS) can easily be established using cytoarchitectonic criteria since the overall cell size in layers II and III of both areas is so different with PaS having the larger cells (see NeuN stain). However, due to the very complicated intermingling of the two areas, in particular when studying coronal or horizontal sections, it is quite difficult to establish borders with certainty. Sections stained for the presence of parvalbumin and calbindin make the borders stand out clearly, irrespective of the plane of sectioning. Whereas PaS stains densely for parvalbumin, POR does not. Using calbindin as a marker, the superficial layers of POR are positive, whereas in PaS only a few neurons superficially in layer V are densely stained and the remaining layers are almost completely devoid of labeling.

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