Medial Entorhinal Area (ME) / Ventral Intermediate Entorhinal Cortex (VIE)

Structures associated with this boundary:
Medial Entorhinal Area (ME)
Ventral Intermediate Entorhinal Cortex (VIE)

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Medial Entorhinal Area (ME) / Ventral Intermediate Entorhinal Cortex (VIE)

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Layer II of the ventral-intermediate entorhinal area (VIE) is narrow and organized in clumps that are very close to each other, rendering a continuous appearance when studied with low magnification. In the medial entorhinal area (ME), layer II is thicker and more continuous. Layer III of both areas is made up of medium-size pyramids, which in VIE are not as densely packed as in layer III of ME. Although very little or no separation exists between layers III and V in VIE, they can still be differentiated since layer V is characterized by the presence of darkly stained, big pyramidal cells. In ME, these large pyramidal neurons are only present in the outer part of layer V, while they are present throughout the depth of layer V in VIE.When stained for calbindin, the VIE / ME border stands out: in ME, calbindin-positive neuropil is found mainly in layers I, II and superficial III, while in VIE the staining is much weaker in the superficial half of layer I, while extending throughout layer III. In addition, the density of stained neurons is much higher in layer II of ME compared to VIE. Both areas are characterized by virtual absence of parvalbumin positivity.

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